We have a huge team of international partners working on SAVES 2 to deliver energy savings throughout Europe, and help descrease students' exposure to fuel poverty. Please get in touch with us to talk about the project.
General and UK enquiries
Lithuania enquiries
Greece enquiries
Cyprus enquiries
Bulgaria enquiries
Ireland enquiries
Romania enquiries
Dashboard enquiries
We have dormitory coordinators looking after the delivery of the campaigns in dormitories in each country, managing the projects day to day.
National Union of Students, UK
Rachel Soper - rachel.soper@nus.org.uk
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Adas Meskenas - adas.meskenas@vgtu.lt
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Vasilis Ntouros, vntouros@phys.uoa.gr
Technical University of Crete, Greece
Stylianos Diakrousis, sdiakrousis@hotmail.com
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Christina Lambrou, lambrou.christina@ucy.ac.cy
Union of Students in Ireland
Darcy Lonergan - saves2@usi.ie
University of Bucharest, Romania
Silvia Padure- silviapadure@gmail.com
University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Peter Mihaylov- peter.mihaylov@dkconsult.bg